
Showing posts from October, 2021

Istanbul yang ramai

Kita tuh nyampe di Istanbul jam 4 pagi? pagi banget jadi sempet tidur di kursi, digusur karena mau dibersihin, pindah kursi digusur lagi, sampe bosen digusur terus ðŸ˜” akhirnya sholat subuh lalu makan sup. Setelah matahari mulai bersinar baru deh kita cabut dari stasiun ke airbnb cuma buat naro barang doang. Kita dapet taksi yang...cham.......hadeh. Jadi dari stasiun ke airbnb itu ya mayan jauh, terus kata bapak-bapak di deket taksi situ bilangnya coba cek dulu mapnya. Kita udah liatin map, terus dia bilang 'oke kalo ke daerah sini memperhitungkan macet dan lain-lain kemungkinan bisa maksimal kena sampe 800 lira, gapapa gak?' 'ya gak masalah' terus yaudah kita dapet taksi deh (bapak-bapak lain) Argonya nyala....kita nyampe tuh masih....400 lira kurang, tapiii begitu mendekati sampe tuh bapak taksinya langsung cepet-cepet nyalain mesin EDCnya cepet-cepet nulis 800, gak....nyesuain...sama argonya. Males berdebat ama bapak-bapak gak jelas, jadi yaudahlah...cukup tau aja. J

I read too many books, now what am I

I read too many books lately.  That is a huge problem, cause now I have so many overflowing feels that need to be let out. Most of the books were essays about life (and now you know why the feels are overflowing) that I read to expand my Korean vocabulary. Besides that I personally like that book genre, I think that the expressions used in those books would be more relevant to use daily. I never really measured the risks of reading those books before. Now I'm floating with lots of feelings in my body.  When I listen to the radio or read books and get to know other people's perspectives, a lot of time I will think about my perspective and how it is the same or different from them. But then, I feel like I know myself but I don't consciously know about myself. In my daily life and conversations, I will have a strong opinion, the direction of thinking that suits me based on my life experience, but I never really really think about those thoughts and opinions in more depth that

Bullet Train

October... for many reasons, I didn't want it to come! but time is something that I can't control, so it is eventually October already. 2021 feels like a bullet train that pasts really fast, while I feel that I don't move an inch inside of it. Many things happened in 2021 but it didn't seem important, it was just like particles of dust that you see through the sunlight that comes through the window. It was a lot, but it never felt significant, cause we are eager to see what's outside the window. Spending day by day wondering whether the outside world will come back as it was.  I guess it is right what someone said,  "The speed of time is always different. I hope the good things feel like a long time, and sad things for a short time." That is probably why 2021 feels so fast.  Sure a lot of good things happened, but the overall mood is just..yeah...ha..ha..ha My heart suddenly feels heavy while writing this. ha..... I think it's because I spent my days i