
Showing posts from September, 2021

Istanbul yang ramai

Kita tuh nyampe di Istanbul jam 4 pagi? pagi banget jadi sempet tidur di kursi, digusur karena mau dibersihin, pindah kursi digusur lagi, sampe bosen digusur terus ðŸ˜” akhirnya sholat subuh lalu makan sup. Setelah matahari mulai bersinar baru deh kita cabut dari stasiun ke airbnb cuma buat naro barang doang. Kita dapet taksi yang...cham.......hadeh. Jadi dari stasiun ke airbnb itu ya mayan jauh, terus kata bapak-bapak di deket taksi situ bilangnya coba cek dulu mapnya. Kita udah liatin map, terus dia bilang 'oke kalo ke daerah sini memperhitungkan macet dan lain-lain kemungkinan bisa maksimal kena sampe 800 lira, gapapa gak?' 'ya gak masalah' terus yaudah kita dapet taksi deh (bapak-bapak lain) Argonya nyala....kita nyampe tuh masih....400 lira kurang, tapiii begitu mendekati sampe tuh bapak taksinya langsung cepet-cepet nyalain mesin EDCnya cepet-cepet nulis 800, gak....nyesuain...sama argonya. Males berdebat ama bapak-bapak gak jelas, jadi yaudahlah...cukup tau aja. J


 Lately, I've been thinking. A lot. So I'm trying not to think. Fin. 

Young K Solo Album 'Eternal' (Not really) First Listen Thoughts

So my favorite singer, bassist, guitarist, radio DJ, lyricist, composer, arranger, author, Young K, has released his first solo album! This is my most anticipated album ever. I was really curious how it will sound cause Young K also makes Day6 songs, so I wondered how different it will be, what kind of color he will give to his solo? it was soo exciting to wait for the release of the album just as much as the release itself.  And to mention that the album feels a lot more personal. There is a lot of Young K's identity in the style of the visual, logo, color, photo, even the styling also depicts Young K's glory days back in 2016-2017ish, with the light hair and lots of accessories (to this day, every day is his glory day, I know). So even for me, who already promised myself to do a no-buy year this year, and who haven't bought any physical album since 2012 no matter how big the temptation is, I can't help but ordered this album! Yeay for my first-bought physical album af