
Showing posts from August, 2020

Istanbul yang ramai

Kita tuh nyampe di Istanbul jam 4 pagi? pagi banget jadi sempet tidur di kursi, digusur karena mau dibersihin, pindah kursi digusur lagi, sampe bosen digusur terus ðŸ˜” akhirnya sholat subuh lalu makan sup. Setelah matahari mulai bersinar baru deh kita cabut dari stasiun ke airbnb cuma buat naro barang doang. Kita dapet taksi yang...cham.......hadeh. Jadi dari stasiun ke airbnb itu ya mayan jauh, terus kata bapak-bapak di deket taksi situ bilangnya coba cek dulu mapnya. Kita udah liatin map, terus dia bilang 'oke kalo ke daerah sini memperhitungkan macet dan lain-lain kemungkinan bisa maksimal kena sampe 800 lira, gapapa gak?' 'ya gak masalah' terus yaudah kita dapet taksi deh (bapak-bapak lain) Argonya nyala....kita nyampe tuh masih....400 lira kurang, tapiii begitu mendekati sampe tuh bapak taksinya langsung cepet-cepet nyalain mesin EDCnya cepet-cepet nulis 800, gak....nyesuain...sama argonya. Males berdebat ama bapak-bapak gak jelas, jadi yaudahlah...cukup tau aja. J

No Twitter Challenge

I uninstalled Twitter 4 weeks ago.  Photo by  🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum  on  Unsplash My relationship with Twitter is always on and off. I’ve spent like 2 years without it after making an account, delete the account and then making a new one, got a little bit more active and then spent 5 years without Twitter, and then I use that account again for small little fun here and there, after I started to work. So working (and commuting) took all my time and energy, I just don’t have enough energy and time to reserve for other hobby and I just wanted some quick entertainment and then became more active on Twitter. And yes those are excuses, anyway recently it got worsen. Hoho A few months ago, I realized I spend a lot of time on Twitter, around 3-4 hours a day. Yes. That is crazy. Most of it will happen before I go to bed, and then I scroll and scroll and scroll. Just endless scrolling. It is crazy how much I spent my time there. On Twitter, I feel like I can’t differentiate learning

Fixing my bad reading habit

One day I stumbled upon a video recommendation about reading a book on my Youtube feed. Being an obedient youtube audience that respects and trusts their algorithm, I watched the video. Then a bunch of his videos gets recommended on my Youtube feed, not gonna complain, because those are interesting ones. He mostly talks about reading, taking notes, enjoy reading, etc. Then his video about slow reading came up. The video was really nice, because it is about embracing reading slowly to enjoy the process of reading, and it is better to have consistency, and more tips from him. It just makes me reflected on how I read these days compared to how I read when I was younger.  I remember reading a lot of books in my childhood. My parents also always talk about me being quiet and just reading a book even when our relatives came (Idk maybe I kinda tried to avoid them by reading lol it's just me). I read a lot of fiction, I still remember the shape of the book in my childhood, they have neat i

My Not-to-Buy List

Since December 2019, I made my own not-to-buy list.  I made this after getting tired of making decisions over and over again whether I should buy something, or if some items tempt me to buy and then I will have this constant conversation and negotiation with myself, when I know the decision would be ‘don’t buy that’.  The other reason is also when I tidying up my room and declutter some items i do not use, I somehow..always ended up throwing away the same things. I also noticed that I have too many of the same items. So then I decided to make my own not-to-buy list, to prevent future me to buy this things that I will not use or i will hate or I already have, and to prevent me constantly questioning whether I should buy an item or not when i know my conclusion will be the same. Nail polish I always had nail polish, and but i just don’t use them that often before they started to thickened and hard and can’t be used. But whenever i see ‘my color’ in nail polish, i just had the urge to ha

My Quarantine Playlist

These are the songs I listened a lot during this corona thingy. No particular reason, I just found myself repeating these songs again and again and again.  Oh wonder - Dust Surl - Hot air balloon The black skirts - Island Yoon ji young feat. Car, the garden - A will Stella Jang - Reality blue George - Boat Car, the garden - Home sweet home Day6 - Zombie Sultan of the disco - Shining road Lucy - Flowering 40 - Dream, sweet dream Chevy & Park bird - If i could ride a bike Kevin oh - Lover Paul kim - Quarantine Lee hi - Holo Rothy - Stars Dept - August feat kuro The black skirts - Love is all

Low buy challenge

 So, since last November I tried to challenge myself with ‘no spend month’ or ‘no buy month’. The challenge is basically to not spend any money on other things except for basic necessities like food, transportation.  It was an attempt to save money for my travelling plans and just a challenge in general, cause I love random challenge, i’m just that competitive for random things. Anyway, so it’s been 9 months since I start this challenge, aaaand..the truth is I don’t know I’m not sure if I succeed or not in this challenge, so I’m just going to list all the spendings outside my basic necessities to see if i’m doing well on this challenge. November : No buy month December : I bought a sticker book and a diary for 2020 (which is pretty useless now, hah hah, too many feels every day because of this corona thingy and my diary can’t handle it) January : No buy month February : Bought lampit for my bedroom, and My Day 3rd kit (I genuinely thought this year is gonna be awesome, I was going to d