
Showing posts from 2021

Istanbul yang ramai

Kita tuh nyampe di Istanbul jam 4 pagi? pagi banget jadi sempet tidur di kursi, digusur karena mau dibersihin, pindah kursi digusur lagi, sampe bosen digusur terus ðŸ˜” akhirnya sholat subuh lalu makan sup. Setelah matahari mulai bersinar baru deh kita cabut dari stasiun ke airbnb cuma buat naro barang doang. Kita dapet taksi yang...cham.......hadeh. Jadi dari stasiun ke airbnb itu ya mayan jauh, terus kata bapak-bapak di deket taksi situ bilangnya coba cek dulu mapnya. Kita udah liatin map, terus dia bilang 'oke kalo ke daerah sini memperhitungkan macet dan lain-lain kemungkinan bisa maksimal kena sampe 800 lira, gapapa gak?' 'ya gak masalah' terus yaudah kita dapet taksi deh (bapak-bapak lain) Argonya nyala....kita nyampe tuh masih....400 lira kurang, tapiii begitu mendekati sampe tuh bapak taksinya langsung cepet-cepet nyalain mesin EDCnya cepet-cepet nulis 800, gak....nyesuain...sama argonya. Males berdebat ama bapak-bapak gak jelas, jadi yaudahlah...cukup tau aja. J

Carpe Diem Week 9-10

Seri Carpe Diem ini adalah semacam dokumentasi gw dalam usaha menjalani hari-hari dengan sepenuhnya.  Week 9 Penuh dengan nonton segala drama dan tontonan yang selama ini belum disentuh. Mulai dari drama-drama kayak Extracurricular, Sweet Home, Shadow Beauty (masih ongoing, cukup seru). Terus segala variety show seperti Love Catcher, nonton dari season 1 dan 2, dan season 3 masih ngikutin ongoing juga. Dan audition show semacam Street Dance Girls Figher dan My Teenage Girl. Ini yang namanya efektif dan efisien. Menyediakan slot waktu seminggu langsung catch up semuanya. Haha.  Week 10 Di minggu ini keponakan gw ulang tahun, jadi di rumah sibuk mempersiapkan dari jauh-jauh hari. Tentunya sebagai penonton setia, gw gak ada kontribusi apa-apa, cukup memeriahkan suasana aja di hari H dengan ikutan makan. Eh ada sih, gw mompa beberapa balon untuk jadi dekorasi.  Selama persiapan ulang tahun keponakan, gw jadi inget masa-masa gw kecil dulu pas ikutan pesta ulang tahun temen-temen di Medan. D

Silakan aja

 Apa ini tiba-tiba udah mau 2022 HIH Gak deng, gapapa, come! come! welcome 2022! Kita anaknya inklusif, semua boleh gabung, termasuk 2022! Gimana 2022, tadi kesini naik apa? naik buraq? wow amazing...aku belum pernah loh naik buraq. Kalo pernah serem juga ya hihi.  Ayo 2022 ini banyak cemilan loh silakan diserbu aja. Kebetulan sisanya tinggal cemilan, lauknya udah kuabisin semua.. Oh mau ke toilet? ok ok itu lurus ada pintu masuk aja... . . . . *kunciin pintu kamar mandi dari luar*

Carpe Diem Week 7-8

Seri Carpe Diem ini adalah semacam dokumentasi gw dalam usaha menjalani hari-hari dengan sepenuhnya.  Week 7 Karena udah ada sepeda, jadi kerjaannya main sepeda terus. Sama keponakan dan adik ke lapangan sore-sore naik sepeda dan bawa bola basket. Akhirnya, bola basket yang kemarin-kemarin dibeli tapi gak kebagian di shoot menjebol tiang keranjang basket juga. Rasanya puas, walau lutut gw berasa mau lepas tiap lompat. Inikah yang namanya lutut lepas? tidak. Bukan. Cuma perasaan aja.  Anyway, sebenernya gw gak pernah bonceng orang naik sepeda. Tapi kalo di bayangan gw at least kalau ngebonceng orang dewasa kan lebih tinggi, kaki bisa napak tanah pas dibonceng juga, jadi kalau kenapa-kenapa bisa turun aja dan selamat. Nah, tapi ponakan gw ini sangat sangat ingin dibonceng, gw sebagai tantenya yang berhati lembut pun tidak sanggup tidak memenuhi permintaannya. Lalu gw terngiang-ngiang pesan ibu gw, 'Kalo bonceng anak kecil kakinya hati-hati ya, jangan sampe kena roda' Gw pun jadi

Carpe Diem Week 5-6

Week 5 Jalan-jalan pagi, ke lapangan tempat biasa kita olahraga. Di sekitar lapangan itu memang ada satu rumah yang kita perhatikan orangnya pagi-pagi rajin udah keluar beli sarapan. Terus tiba-tiba hari ini orangnya keluar rumah bawa dudukan ayunan. Jadi di lapangan itu emang dudukan ayunannya dicabut, mungkin biar orang pada gak nongkrong rame-rame di lapangan karena covid sih kayaknya. Anyway, hari ini dia bawa ayunan keluar, trus masang dengan santai. Lalu masuk lagi ke rumahnya.  Seketika gw terharu, walaupun belum tentu dipasang biar gw bisa main. Tapi di lapangan itu cuma ada gw sama adik aja, jadi kayak...hei.....aku merasa bagai anak paling beruntung di dunia. Udah setahunan gak main ayunan, gw pun langsung menyerbu ayunan tersebut. Rasanya seperti hidup kembali.  Hari lainnya, gw bawa badminton dan bola basket buat main di lapangan yang agak jauh tapi enak karena ada layout lapangan badminton dan ada ring basketnya. Tapi ternyata lapangannya dipakai ibu-ibu senam pagi. Ke lap

Carpe Diem Week 3-4

Eksperimen gw untuk carpe diem terus berlanjut. Kali ini week ke 3 dan ke 4.  Week 3 Minggu ketiga kita banyak eksplorasi komplek lain. Yang waktu kecil sering banget didatengin tapi sekarang udah sekitar 11 tahunan gak pernah disambangi. Kalau dulu kan sering main ke rumah temen sekolah, jadi setelah selesai sekolah gak ada lagi tuh ke daerah perumahan lain. Sekali jalan keliling kita bisa sampai 1,5 - 2 jam di area itu. Masih sama kerjaannya, ngomentarin rumah orang. Selain itu kita juga nemu lapangan-lapangan baru yang menarik buat dipakai main suatu hari. Suatu hari nemu satu rumah yang wow out of place banget, maksudnya terlalu bagus. Kita nebak-nebakin kira-kira ada apa aja di dalemnya dengan kesotoyan luar biasa. Rumah ini perfect dari sisi model, warna, pilihan jendela dan pintu, pagar, semuanya pas. Rasanya pengen ketemu arsiteknya trus tepuk tangan keras-keras. Bravo.  Tapi yang menarik juga adalah buat ngebayangin gimana kita akan merenov suatu rumah. 'harusnya dibeli j

Carpe Diem Week 1-2

Belakangan lagi percobaan buat menjalani hari dengan maksimal. Carpe diem. Alasannya? gw tersentuh sama suatu interview dari penyanyi favorit gw yang selalu menjalani hari-harinya dengan maksimal. Sebenernya udah di-nudge dari sebelum-sebelumnya, dari nonton short documentarynya, dengerin radionya, dan lain-lain. Cuma trigger terakhirnya adalah interview itu yang akhirnya gw langsung bikin tekad, selama dia wajib militer gw juga harus menjalani hidup dengan mantap, biar sama-sama berkembang dah. Gw juga pengen keren. Gw udah keren sih, cuma males aja. Tapi tetep keren.  Kayak kata ponakan gw 'umi jelek...encing jelek...uncung jelek....ado keren'  (ado panggilan ponakan ke gw) Anyway,  Seperti biasa, gw sukanya langsung ekstrim. 'Gw akan bangun pagi jam 5, jalan kaki, olah raga, setiap hari'. Itu determinasi gw 5 minggu lalu. Inilah yang gw jalani sebenernya. Week 1 Minggu pertama ini gw berhasil fully bangun jam pagi-pagi jam 5 dan langsung cabut jalan. Agak susah bangu

I read too many books, now what am I

I read too many books lately.  That is a huge problem, cause now I have so many overflowing feels that need to be let out. Most of the books were essays about life (and now you know why the feels are overflowing) that I read to expand my Korean vocabulary. Besides that I personally like that book genre, I think that the expressions used in those books would be more relevant to use daily. I never really measured the risks of reading those books before. Now I'm floating with lots of feelings in my body.  When I listen to the radio or read books and get to know other people's perspectives, a lot of time I will think about my perspective and how it is the same or different from them. But then, I feel like I know myself but I don't consciously know about myself. In my daily life and conversations, I will have a strong opinion, the direction of thinking that suits me based on my life experience, but I never really really think about those thoughts and opinions in more depth that

Bullet Train

October... for many reasons, I didn't want it to come! but time is something that I can't control, so it is eventually October already. 2021 feels like a bullet train that pasts really fast, while I feel that I don't move an inch inside of it. Many things happened in 2021 but it didn't seem important, it was just like particles of dust that you see through the sunlight that comes through the window. It was a lot, but it never felt significant, cause we are eager to see what's outside the window. Spending day by day wondering whether the outside world will come back as it was.  I guess it is right what someone said,  "The speed of time is always different. I hope the good things feel like a long time, and sad things for a short time." That is probably why 2021 feels so fast.  Sure a lot of good things happened, but the overall mood is just..yeah...ha..ha..ha My heart suddenly feels heavy while writing this. ha..... I think it's because I spent my days i


 Lately, I've been thinking. A lot. So I'm trying not to think. Fin. 

Young K Solo Album 'Eternal' (Not really) First Listen Thoughts

So my favorite singer, bassist, guitarist, radio DJ, lyricist, composer, arranger, author, Young K, has released his first solo album! This is my most anticipated album ever. I was really curious how it will sound cause Young K also makes Day6 songs, so I wondered how different it will be, what kind of color he will give to his solo? it was soo exciting to wait for the release of the album just as much as the release itself.  And to mention that the album feels a lot more personal. There is a lot of Young K's identity in the style of the visual, logo, color, photo, even the styling also depicts Young K's glory days back in 2016-2017ish, with the light hair and lots of accessories (to this day, every day is his glory day, I know). So even for me, who already promised myself to do a no-buy year this year, and who haven't bought any physical album since 2012 no matter how big the temptation is, I can't help but ordered this album! Yeay for my first-bought physical album af

A time to just stay calm

Day 50 tanpa social media. uhm mantap. Tapi nonton di youtube mulu.  Lol Well, semua bermula dari..uhm...inget gak no-twitter challenge tahun lalu?  Good times good times. Tapi setelah challenge itu, gw buka lagi Twitter lewat browser  🤪terus rasanya apa bedanya sama install jadi gw install lagi appnya. Hahaha. Dan mulai lagi deh infinite scrolling.  Jadi, gw memutuskan untuk refresh lagi hidup tanpa social media. Kali ini mau lebih strong. Lebih determined.  Jadi gw apus deh akun Facebook yang sebenernya sih udah deactivate beberapa tahun lalu. Terus deactivate Instagram. Sebenernya Instagram gak terlalu menarik sih. Paling cuma liat untuk update program-program yang gw ikutin aja, jadi sehari-hari average time spentnya juga cuma 9 menit.  Lastly, Twitter. Twitter oh Twitter. Where every useless information can feel very useful. Tapi di waktu yang sama ya kadang gw enjoy juga. Jadi setelah challenge ini akan evaluasi dulu apakah harus permanen di delete atau enggak. Sekarang ya cuma

First-listen-to thoughts: Right through Me

So 2 days ago, on the 5th of July, Day6 (Even of Day) is making a comeback! As I was on a social media fasting (tomorrow will be the 40th day btw), I don't really keep up with their current comeback, cause nowadays marketing is done through social media...but I subscribed on Day6 news on Kakao talk. So if there is a new article about them, I will get a notification. This method is like a lifesaver cause I don't need to stay on social media but I can still get updates about my favorite artist (oh how life is saved by that lol). So I was aware of their upcoming comeback, but I mistook it as the 9th of July. Haha So on the comeback day, I was working like usual, and then busy making a fermented drink my friend recommend to me. Then when I was finally rested on my bed, I saw that Day6 (Even of Day) was making a comeback on that day cause I saw their radio performance. Anyway, so I listened to their live performances first, "Right through me" and "Walk" which wer

Isolation Diary: long story short, I call it a chance to wipe out bad luck

Arrival night The official sprayed a whole disinfectant on us. We need to spin around so the alcohol gets to all parts. My jilbab felt wet but as long as I don't touch it I don't feel it that much.  We waited for a long time at the front gate. We needed to wait until the observation was for the previous person and then we can go in.  In the observation area.  The doctor checks my blood pressure. It's low. ' don't you feel dizzy '. I was on a diet. No pain no gain. ' do you have any symptoms? A headache? '. Is headache a symptom? Cause I feel it every day. Working life strained my neck and squeezed my brain too much. I can't differentiate that headache from covid headache. Don't ask me about headaches, please. He shows us the room. The room was pretty okay. But for a perfect stay, it needs some work. So we cleaned what we can. Toss the smelly pillow into a smelly cupboard and forget those things for the next 10 days. Put our clean linen. Make arra

How to get a new phone without buying

What's up, blog. It's me again, always, and forever me.  This year, as I mentioned before, is my no-buy year. Means I can't buy unnecessary things that are outside my allowed-to-buy list (which just cover essentials basically). But you know, as a human being in this modern world that is exposed to thousands of marketing every day, I got so many temptations along the way.  For example. Recently just for fun, I plan my dream trips. So I researched all the places I want to visit, the transportation, food I want to eat even the accommodation, and many more. It helps me a lot in giving consolation in the mid of uncertainty of when we can travel around comfortably again. I explored google maps, look at the street view of my destination, and plan the things I want to do.  Then it comes down to think about what should I pack for that dream trip. So I list what I want to bring, and then of course go into a hole of wanting-to-buy-something-for-the-trip-so-my-trip-feels-better. I look

Will I understand this post two weeks later? Let's see

Ola amiga I've been reflecting lately lol Recently I've seen situations where a known fact that the majority of people believe is not depicting the truth at all.  And it's not only one or two situations (but three, lol, no but seriously...a lot) Oftentimes, we can only see what's presented to us, what's easier to see, and we probably already form an opinion based on that, and it becomes easier to see the supporting evidence to the 'fact' that we 'believe', even though we try to find the truth from a nonbiased source or perspective. So when the real truth comes years later, it can become confusing for me to digest.  My conclusion was, maybe not to think deeply about things that happen around us. It's all just flying events and it doesn't matter what I think about it. But... I like to seek truth... so it's kind of an unavoidable thing to me, it will happen no matter what when you try to understand something, it's just part of the proces

I'm trying my best to balance out the negativities in life with some positivities

I know life is unfair. But sometimes in some situations when it is toooooo unfair, and you just can't handle it.  Although, we may have no control over it, and we know that we shouldn't be getting too emotional about things that we can't control, it's difficult to not get mad about it. And knowing that things are happening anyway whether we get mad or not, we still get mad and torturing ourselves with the thoughts. Hahaha. Welcome to lyfe. Anyway, enough with the negativity.  Todd Cravens on Unsplash Let this rainbow wash away the negativity in life...if it may... Let's see some positive sides of life. We'll be getting a new Day6 album this April, which means more songs to sing and to get drowned with.  I posted new artworks on my Redbubble and Society6 page, which means more possibility to get discovered by people who want to buy some stickers, or t-shirt, or mask, or anything they want. Please buy my stuff, thanks, people! I have 166 designs until now, ther