
Showing posts from March, 2012

Istanbul yang ramai

Kita tuh nyampe di Istanbul jam 4 pagi? pagi banget jadi sempet tidur di kursi, digusur karena mau dibersihin, pindah kursi digusur lagi, sampe bosen digusur terus ๐Ÿ˜” akhirnya sholat subuh lalu makan sup. Setelah matahari mulai bersinar baru deh kita cabut dari stasiun ke airbnb cuma buat naro barang doang. Kita dapet taksi yang...cham.......hadeh. Jadi dari stasiun ke airbnb itu ya mayan jauh, terus kata bapak-bapak di deket taksi situ bilangnya coba cek dulu mapnya. Kita udah liatin map, terus dia bilang 'oke kalo ke daerah sini memperhitungkan macet dan lain-lain kemungkinan bisa maksimal kena sampe 800 lira, gapapa gak?' 'ya gak masalah' terus yaudah kita dapet taksi deh (bapak-bapak lain) Argonya nyala....kita nyampe tuh masih....400 lira kurang, tapiii begitu mendekati sampe tuh bapak taksinya langsung cepet-cepet nyalain mesin EDCnya cepet-cepet nulis 800, gak....nyesuain...sama argonya. Males berdebat ama bapak-bapak gak jelas, jadi yaudahlah...cukup tau aja. J

My New Activity

well.....sooooo.. i join 'Be My Partner' Event which held by ACube Ent. the event is quite simple but amazing prize haha.. we just need to cover the song by Yoseob (BEAST) and Eunji (Apink), "Love Day" in on youtube or something else like that, then post it on ACube facebook's wall. (well..not that simple if you have a poor voice like mine hahhaha) and the prize is dinner with Yoseb and Eunji DANG! amazing! i mean, before, i was happy enough to see my favorite member of my favorite idol groups to have a duet song together! i was like YEAAAAAH finally ! and i was playing that song everyday...! then they announced that event.. worth to try..right? nothing to lose...just having fun hahah actually i practiced everyday, and i live in a dorm, which the rooms is soooo close to each other..and i practiced until 2 am...haha my friend come to my room the next day and said ' did you hear the girl singing a song

New.....and my mid term exam experience

i open my blogger account today and's a new layout (?) blogger design..blah blah i don't know what's the name..i like the new one! it looks clean and nice! :) good job blogger! anyway, i just finished my mid term exam today, still have to finish my essay until April 5th for another class. and guess what? i really not expected any form of exam that would be like that one! don't understand? well....yesterday, my roommate, Mia, had her exam on Korean history class, however, after that exam she's all complaining the exam. the topic was about korean folk story and all she expected is that the exam would be something to tell about the moral story, what kind of culture in that story, or maybe re-tell the story with your own words, or something like that. in's 'fill in the blank' problem!  so those korean story was in korean, and someone translated it so foreigners can understand that. but actually the vocab,

My Life so far.......

it's been 2 months here, in korea.  last 2 nights...i had a dream. in that dream, i already come back to indonesia, and it feels hurt...really. huuuuuuuft i feel like something missing, feel like i'm not really enjoyed every minute of my life in korea. that will never be back that dream, i feel disappointed of myself and to the situation that i already back home.  back to the routine life (even though i have a routine activities in here too), back to my college, back to that circumstance, back to the place where it'll be so hard to find korean people (of course haha), back to the place that it's really really difficult to find cute boys. well..... in that dream i feel regret of not having that much enjoyable moments in korea, not appreciate my life here, and so's really truly hurts...the regret feeling. and feeling that you don't know when will such a great things happen to you any more..:(( when i woke up..i feel sooooooooooooo sad..and i

it started again

well, these days (3-4 days) i feel like...................... don't know what to do clueless.... i have a homework. kind of a project but i cannot start it...just because i don't know...clueless i don't know what to do, what to prepare...i need help hahahah i really cannot grab any idea what should i do, what can i do.. this thursday i have to give a report of my progress..i don't have any progress at...all what should i do? maybe it's just me being lazy, but i'm being lazy to cover up my blank mind. i don't know how to start on this project. i have to do user research's just hard that i don't know when i can do this i don't have time...until thursday, to do something..... i have to make to-do-list with the scheduled time. i need to. yeah. but i'm afraid that i don't have enough time because,once again..i want to be lazy...just for a while. please huhuhuhuhu.......i have to !

K-Collection Fashion Concert Event: Mission Completed!

one day, i open facebook page as i usually did. then i saw announcement from Korea Tourism Organization that they have 300 free ticket for foreigner to attend K-Collection Fashion Concert, which is the first time and will be held annually right from this year. it is said that there will be many kpop idol appear in that event. i don't have any idea about the event at all, i thought the idols will walk on red carpet, they'll see fashion show, then we can see them as guest  hahah..or they also will be a model or something. i really don't know what it will be, but i try to apply anyway (they tell that bigbang, snsd, t-ara, secret, mblaq,etc will come!, especially INFINITE! so i don't hesitate to apply..of course!) the announcement of the winner will be on that day too, because the system is first serve first come basis. anyway, later on that day i got email that they already have 300 winner, so i cannot get the free ticket. well, i'm not really disappointed because i

My Debut on KBS: Science Cafe 20120312 :)))

so, as i say before, i was participated in some program filming called Science Cafe or ๊ณผํ•™ ์นดํŽ˜ in korean. it was fun, since we got free lunch plus a chance to be on tv. Korean TV especially. KBS! the program was about to find a relation between background culture with color preferences to some taste. my professor ask me to join this program, she's the expert of this color thingy :) anyway, on monday 12th march, the program is aired! unfortunately, i missed it (struggling with my homework). haha.. so on today's class, professor play the video of it since our lecture is somewhat similar to the topic.well..a little embarrassing moment eaa.. :)) so after class, while i'm finishing my homework, i download the program and watched it hahha..well it's a nice 5 minutes! because i have a looot close-up shots. hahahhaa kidding. while i'm watching it,i realized how nice my voice are :)))))))))))) sorry hahahahahhaha... well, these are some pictures of the program ! i think K